Highlands, Ridgeway Cross
WR13 5JD
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Opening times
Opening times: Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th, Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th October. Tours starting at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.
Please note: Bungalow so minimal access problems. On A4103. Parking on driveway or layby opposite. Prominent roadside sign, "Highlands". Yellow bungalow with red brick garden wall by road. On the hill between Bromyard and Ledbury turnoffs.
Other Turn up for house tours at given times
Harold welcomes you to his converted 1930's bungalow to passive house standard - DIY.
It started as an ordinary 1930's bungalow but suitable for conversion due to construction, orientation and aspect. Massive external insulation, roof insulation, floor insulation. 8Kw solar PV panels. Solar hot water heating (homemade adsorber.) Electric car. Heat store/conservatory. Insulated window & door shutters. Wood burning stove. Vegetable garden. Coppicing. LED lights. Sun tube. Part earth shielded.
This project was completed some time ago, this means I have had time to asses what works and what doesn't and can reveal snags and actual results.
Approximate cost:
Money saving