Borderwood Farm, Eardisley
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Opening times
Opening times:
Tbc October. Tours starting at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.
Please note: Parking and access available on site.
Just turn up Turn up for house tours at given times
Jeff and Carey welcome you to their off-grid, self built, Scandinavian log house in Eardisley.
Scandinavian log house, on a 20 acre site, built by us and completely off grid. Recycled plastic roof tiles, sheep wool insulation, solar power +batteries (generator winter support), rainwater storage, composting toilets, self sufficient veg. garden. Wood fired Rayburn supplied by our own timber supply.
Motivation to retrofit:
Ethical and financial.
Not subject to energy price hikes.
Who did the work?:
We did!
Future plans:
Considered linking to the grid but too expensive and no independence.